An example:

Runners Stretch: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days Series

runners stretches running coach shelly Minnesota

#24 Runners Stretch




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The swinging pendulum has made its way from Stretching is Bad to Stretching is Good. I hover at about 20% from center on the Stretching is Good side. Those that don’t stretch before, during, or after running look stiff with shorter strides. Without full range of motion you can not use your body to its fullest potential.

Physical Therapists are going to instruct you to regularly stretch. They get to visit with many runners who are injured and see the effect of not stretching, injury. So why not stretch your muscles and increase mobility instead of getting injured and then hearing from your PT that your muscles are too tight to allow your body to work well.

My Cheat Sheet on Stretching

runners stretches running coach shelly Minnesota

Before a Run - Dynamic (moving) stretches like leg swings, torso twists, arm swings, lunges, and squats.

During a Run - Dynamic (moving) stretches like leg swings, torso twists, arm swings, lunges, and squats.. PLUS, strides (short sprints where you build up the speed and then slow down all within 50 meters, striving for good form and quick turnover)

After a Run - Static (holding stretches for 30 seconds) stretches like toe touches, figure four, pigeon, cross body shoulder stretch, etc. In Addition Active Release stretching ( movement stretch with a pause), massage through foam rolling, Yoga, and Pilates.


  • NO Static stretching right before a race or speed workout. Your muscles act like springs and if you stretch the spring out, they won’t get their tension back in time to run well. Instead use dynamic stretching before racing or speed workouts.

  • NO Stretch when you have a pulled muscle. A damaged muscle doesn’t need damaged more. Rest injuries!

  • NO Aggressive stretching can damage a tendon or muscle (yep, can happen easier than you think)


runners stretches running coach shelly Minnesota
runners stretches running coach shelly Minnesota


In order to run happy, your body needs its full range of motion, therefore stretch throughout the day.

runners stretches running coach shelly Minnesota

This 30-day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Fatigue Tolerance: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days Series

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#20 Fatigue Tolerance


The entire purpose of running workouts is to develop fatigue tolerance.


One of my favorite coaching podcasts is On Coaching with Magness and Marcus. Steve Magness and Jonathan Marcus are out of the box, push the boundaries, always learning coaches of elite and college runners. They started the podcast when they found themselves together discussing training and figured why not just turn on a microphone and let everyone else in on the conversation. A couple of years later they are on episode 87. I predict this most recent recording will be a listeners’ favorite, as it is already one of mine. So what I am going to share with you is totally from episode 87 with all credit given to them. I encourage you to listen to the entire over an hour recording and pick out more details and discoveries of your own.

Magness and Marcus Discuss:

There are five categories in which you can develop fatigue tolerance within a runner.

  • Central Nervous system (Movement Control)

  • Metabolic System (Cells’ Jobs)

  • Muscular (Muscles)

  • Energy (Carbs, Fat, and Protein Utilization)

  • Emotional (Thoughts and Feelings)

runner fatigue running coach shelly Minnesota

The Important Equation

stress + rest = growth

(Peak Performance book)

  • Without RECOVERY there is no improvement

  • Number ONE method of recovery = sleep

  • Remember, the recovery period is the source of improvement, not the activity

  • It takes the central nerve system 2 weeks, most likely 28 days, depending on fitness to adapt or grow more tolerant to fatigue.

  • Aerobic based training will have a 6 week delay in showing adaptation.

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My Thoughts

I am fascinated by thinking of training within a new light (using the five categories listed above). Viewing training from a different direction can be very effective in identifying and understanding weaknesses (or strengths) within the training/recovery plans.

In 2013, I learned from my failure when I completed excellent training but matched it with poor recovery (mainly low sleep amounts). There are two parts to the equation, training and recovery, equaling adaption or growth. You must do both, train well and recover well.

It is very difficult to imagine and wait for training effects to show up 4-6 weeks later. AHHH! That is a long time within my quick results culture. However, it is true and I have seen it many times. I often say, 3 weeks. This will be easier or better in 3 weeks. If you keep a detailed log of your training you will be able to attribute the correct stimulus to the actual respondences since you will have many detailed recordings and not forgotten what you did 4-6 weeks earlier. Most of all ask yourself if you are a patient runner?

runner fatigue running coach shelly Minnesota


A Runner’s Goal:


This 30-day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Runner's Strength Workout: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days Series

runner strength training running coach shelly Minnesota

#19 Runner’s Strength Workout


Keep it simple, inserting strength training into your running routine or route.


I have a lot of thoughts about strength training for runners, most likely because I have gathered many other coaches’ perspectives throughout the years. Then there is my own experiences that weigh into the topic. I haven’t written extensively about strength training for runners because there really are so many ways to become stronger. However, in this blog post, I will give you my today answer.

A new training friend asked me this morning what I do for strengthening as a runner. My reply was individualized for my body and offered a few ideas geared more for her body type.

How I Approach

Strength Training

For many years I effectively used Pilates as my main source of strength training. With Nordic skiing this winter season, I have leaned on the strength and balance training that comes with the sport instead of Pilates. However, just Pilates or skiing is not enough training. I use very simple body weight or simple med ball exercises to tone and power up my muscles. I add in these movements to my post-run routine. When the weather is nice, I have been caught by my neighbor jump roping, lunging, and throwing a medicine ball onto the driveway or garage wall. On winter wonderland days, I use the tough mat inside my front door to do squats, lunges and jumping before I take off my running shoes. When I stretch, I throw in some push-ups and planks. These strengthening exercises fit within my running routines and take little time.

runner strength training running coach shelly Minnesota

A suggestion for my friend who feels that she doesn’t gain muscle well was to use terrain to improve her running strength. Several (4-8) short steep hills repeats about 10 seconds long and with several minutes rest between can build her leg power. Adding rolling hill terrain to a regular run can really bolster strength endurance, working the uphills and relaxing the body on the downhills.

runner strength training running coach shelly Minnesota

I have had success in performing a simply designed ten minute or less plyometric workout (think jumping movements) twice a week. The key is to stop or rest just before fatigue sets in. It is more important to have quality form versus quantity of reps. Also, I find plyometrics to be more appropriate for intermediate to advanced runners and those under age 40.

Most of all notice opportunities to strengthen your body throughout the day. You don’t need to sweat to gain strength.

  • Push Ups every time you stretch

  • 10 squats before bed

  • Lunges in the parking lot on your way to your car (or in your house hallway, if you are afraid of people knowing you have strong muscles)

  • Heel Rises on your front step before going in your front door

  • 10 Quick High jumps to reach the wall above your front door (inside)

  • Stairs every possible chance (flex the glute as you step up)

  • Pull up bar mounted in a doorway (guests think this is so fun)

  • 20 Kettleball swings after work

  • Trail running once a week

  • Cross-training once/twice a week

  • Yard Work often

runner strength training running coach shelly Minnesota


TOO MUCH TOO SOON - first time, 1/2 what you think you can do; second time, 3/4 what you think you can do; third time, full workout

RECORDS - 100 lunges may sound awesome until you pull your hamstring running the next day and are injured for a year (learned from a painful past experience)

1 HOUR Training Sessions - Unless you are a weight lifter or a professional athlete, you don’t need more than 20 quality minutes of strength training in one session

HURT YOURSELF WITH BAD FORM - Get expert advice when lifting free weights, seriously!

runner strength training kettlebell running coach shelly Minnesota


Want to be a stronger runner? Start with keeping it simple and insert strengthening movements into your normal day.

Read a previous post - Quick Strength For Runners Book Review

This 30-day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

When to Stop Running: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days

runner injury when to stop running running coach shelly Minnesota

#15 When to Stop Running


Choosing a right turn or left turn on our running route is quite easy but deciding when you should not run at all is mentally exhausting.


After 17 years of running training, I have found a few road blocks causing me to stay inside, cross train, and seek help. I have also spent many a mornings or afternoons either making up excuses or wishing away real reasons I could not run. So I hope my experiences will help you the next time you hit a road block or low motivation.

runner injury when to stop running running coach shelly Minnesota



Increased Pain While Running - If a pain gets worse while you are running, STOP. Stretch the surrounding areas and then try again for a few steps. If the pain is still worsening, call for a ride home. (Caution a several mile walk home may end up extend your recovery time.)

Limping While Walking - Mailbox test. If you can’t walk to your mailbox without pain or a limp then you can’t run. Doesn’t count if you just got off the sofa, warm up a bit by moving around the house before preforming this test.

Past Injury Symptoms Reoccur - Take the day off and do your rehab routine. Hopefully an extra day of rest and PT exercises will stop the possible injury before it becomes a problem.

Sickness Below the Neck - NO RUNNING! Seriously don’t even think about it.

Swelling - No running, swelling is a hint from the body that something is not right and your body is trying to heal. Patience please.

Signs of Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Frostbite - When the temperatures are extreme, prepare for the situation and be alert watching for symptoms.

Overtraining - Know by heart the symptoms of overtraining and watch out for them in yourself and your training partners.

Thunder or Lightning - Not worth the risk! Find shelter!

runner injury when to stop running running coach shelly Minnesota



Mild Sickness Above the Neck - Easy light running can help a clogged nose or little headache.

HIGH Level of Emotional Stress - Easy running only. Be careful to not train hard during high emotional periods of your life. Your immune system is responsible for fighting sickness, when during a chronically stressful period there is less communication within the immune system and therefore less healing in the body.

You’re Not Ready - Whether it be low fitness level or the injury recovery stages, there are fitness/strengthening levels to achieve before taking the next step. Be patient and allow fitness adaptations and strengthening to occur before attempting the next challenging. Build a solid foundation so you don’t topple over later.

Dark Sky - Don’t run in the dark unless with a headlamp, safety vest, and training partners.

Snow - Slow down and watch where you step! Enjoy the beauty and peaceful surroundings.

runner injury when to stop running running coach shelly Minnesota



Life Responsibility Obstacles - Babysitter cancelation, child meltdown, alarm clock malfunction, way to much to do in the first hour of the day, work meeting that you never thought would end. Well, make the best of the situation, strategize, and find a solution. If you absolutely can’t make your running schedule, cross train and get your heart rate as high as if you had run..

2 Left Shoes - Everyone has done it, bought two left running shoes to the trailhead or YMCA and left with a frown. (Tip- Always stash an extra pair of older running shoes in your trunk.)

OUT of Time - If you only have 30 minutes to start, do, and finish a run. Great! Go for it. Make it a short but awesome run!

Boring - Alrighty, first boring is an attitude not circumstances. Second, freedom! You have so much freedom, whether it be taking a left or right on your running route, or your speed, elevation, and amount of time on a treadmill. Shake up the routine. I bet you can find fun.

Rain - Wow, a workout and a shower all in one! I love to run in the rain. It is refreshing and reinvigorating. Take the next chance you can to run in the rain, puddle jumping and all!

Too Tired - Run anyways and then go to bed earlier.

runner injury when to stop running running coach shelly Minnesota


STOP RUNNING - Admit when you are injured

BE CAUTIOUS - Watch for warning signs

START RUNNING - Plan ahead and be flexible in order to overcome obstacles and excuses

This 30 day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Shelly is not giving medical advice. Just sharing from her own personal experiences. Please consult a doctor for all medical advice.

Running Shoes Part Two: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days

running shoes running coach shelly Minnesota

#12 Running Shoes Part Two


Running shoes questions for kids, injuries, outside of running, and for the serious runners.



running shoes running coach shelly Minnesota

What if my kids like to run in Crocs?

Yes, my ten-year-old headed to track practice in Crocs one day.  I didn’t mind too much, as I want her to grow strong foot and ankle muscles.  However, once she moves to running on the roads and for more than a mile, I want her in a more traditional running shoe, for safety and to reduce the shock of a high number of foot strikes on hard ground.

When should I buy running shoes for my child?

I remember my first pair of "real" running shoes boughten at the Fort Collins running shoe store for my 9th grade cross country team season. They were so white and cushiony.  My dad actually expected those shoes to last me for a few years, not the 3-6 months life span that happened. I knew the $60 (in 1994) was not in his tight budget but he was so kind to splurge for me. I can remember everything about that visit to the store. 

When your child is running consistently, either daily or on a running team, they need shoes dedicated to running only.  Be sensitive to comfort and not so much to cost, within reason, when selecting shoes. Help the runner to understand that the look of the shoes will not matter, leave the trendy styles and colors for regular shoes. Running shoes should look like running shoes.  Replace them every 6 months and check often to see if they are too small.  

When the runner is standing, there should be half a thumbnail space in front between foot and tip of the shoe.  Watch our for growth spurts and get right to the store.  However, don't buy shoes that are two sizes too big, trying to save money.  Falling and being injured from running in misfitted shoes will not be worth the money you were hoping to save.

running shoes running coach shelly Minnesota

Why should I NOT give my kids spikes at a young age?

Spikes allow the body to grip the ground and increase the force from of your foot and calf.  Children's muscles may not be ready to have the force that spikes create on the calves.  Let them get the benefit of spikes once they are over 12 years of age.  When you do introduce spikes into training and racing, do it gradually and with caution. 


What if you battle with Plantar Fasciitis?

I feel your pain and sorrow.  After two long bouts of PF, I have found the keys to keeping me on my feet and adding up the miles.  Each of us is unique and will benefit from different solutions.  The best way to get back to running and stay running when battling PF is to try all the tricks and see which ones your body responds well with.  

It seems there are 100 ways to prevent or heal PF. After going through them all, these are my personal solutions: "foam" roll the bottom of my feet, foam roll and stretch calves, deep tissue massage calves, Fit Flop shoes and sandals (90% of my shoe wearing), custom orthotics during every run and race, being aware that I am susceptible to PF. These are my keys to happy feet.  You will have your own set of solutions. 


Why should I ONLY use my running shoes for running and NOT my strength class at the Y?

Your feet make a pattern in the shoes.  Each activity that you do with your shoes on makes different patterns. Your running shoes need to keep your running pattern in them so that you have optimal support while running.  Let your used running shoes be your go to for your favorite Y strength class. Wearing your running shoes for other activities can lead to injury.

What type of shoes to wear when not running?

NOT flat unsupportive FLIP FLOPS!  Please select your regular shoes carefully.  Your choices will impact your training and injuries, your feet and calves could suffer. Invest in high quality supportive shoes that will last many years.  

I personally like the brands Born and Fit Flops.  Each season I buy one pair that is more trendy and wear them a majority of the time.  This winter I loved my black Mary Janes.  Last summer by black glitter sandals were perfect for the pool or an evening out.  Or my brown leather heels, low and high black boots, and brown clogs fill in all my other ensembles. If you love wearing flip flops in the summer, check out the Fit-flop flip flops that are so pretty and supportive you could wear them on your flight across the country.


What are spikes or flats?

running shoes spikes running coach shelly Minnesota

In high school, I raced in spikes when on the mud filled cross-country courses.  More often now I race in flats since I am on roads.  Flats are lightweight shoes that can really impact your 5K finish time.  Since they are lighter weight than your regular training shoes it takes less energy to move the leg forward resulting in a greater race speed. Spikes are light weight shoes with metal spikes that protrude out of the sole, creating more grip.

I suggest flats for runners that are trying to break the 21-minute or faster 5K mark.  For runners finishing after the 21-minute mark, focus on other more important elements that can affect your finish time.

Flats and spikes should be replaced after about 1 year or about 75 racing miles.  

I also use flats when doing speed work on the track. They allow me to flex my foot more and get a better push off before my foot leaves the ground. In addition, my flats get me psychologically ready to race.

After my race warm-up, I slip on my flats on and am ready to race.

I caution runners when using them for 1/2 marathon and above distance races. Unless your body is accustomed to the lower amount of support and lower heel drop, the shoes could cause added stress while racing the long distances.

What running socks to wear?

May I introduce you to the socks that I want to wear even when not running.  I love them!! My favorite are Feetures Ultra-thin running socks.  I have many and have given many to others.  They come in a pair that has one sock shaped for your left foot and other another sock for your right foot.  They make my feet happy!  

Also some runners like a warmer wool sock in the winter and a thinner sock in the summer to reduce blisters.

What should I do with wet running shoes?

Newspaper!  Stuff the inside of your wet shoes with newspaper.  Twenty-four hours later pull out the wet newspaper and your shoes will be dry!


Happy Feet, Fast Feet!

This 30-day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.