An example:

Women Runners: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days Series

#3 Women Runners


I am ABSOLUTELY convinced that Women’s Training should be different than Men’s Training.

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota


In my close observations of the coaches of with both the Shenendehowa Girls High School Team (Nike National Cross Country Qualifiers) coached by Rob Cloutier and College of St. Benedict Women’s Cross Country Team (Two National Cross Country Division 3 Qualifiers) coached by Robin Balder-Lanoue, I witnessed the unique differences in training a female versus male body. Not only were these successful coaches training their female athletes’ bodies differently but also their minds.

I took my observations and compared them to the coaching training I have received over the years through the governing body of the running sport in America, USA Track and Field, in their coaching certification classes, Level One and Two, and the countless coaching, running, and training books, articles and seminars. Perhaps 95 % of training literature is based off of training the male body, leaving female training unknown or forgotten within literature. When observing coaches of female teams, a stark contrast appeared between the approach of training the general athlete and female athlete. Both of the coaches that I listed above developed successful methods of training females, less from the available training literature and more through their experiences as coaches. There are nuances to training the female body that once known can unlock success.

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota

I do agree that there are the basic similarities in energy systems and adaptations between the male and female body. However, the difference in hormone level changes and body composition of a female make training different than a male’s training.

In my research I have found one book in which these differences are extensively discussed. Roar by Stacy T. Sims, PhD presents research on the different aspects of a women’s body and her training. “The menstrual cycle not only has a profound effect on your fertility and moods (and chocolate cravings), it also can significantly affect your training and performance. Yet, very few coaches and trainers take it into consideration with their athletes - even those in the most elite competitive spheres.” Obviously there are hormonal level differences in females versus males. Estrogen and testosterone levels impact the bones, muscles, blood cells, body size and amount of fat tissue. Sims continues on throughout her book to outline the effects of female’s different levels of progesterone and estrogen within strength and recovery. She discusses the differences of fat and carbohydrates as a fuel sources for female versus male athletes. Included on her list of differences between the different body types is the origination of strength. “As a woman, you generate the lion’s share of your strength and stability from your hips. And though women do have powerful legs, we tend to have relatively poor core strength by comparison.”

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota

My LIST on HOW to Train

Female Athletes

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota
  • Use cross-training. Women are prone to overtraining and creating a balance of training and recovery can lead to consistent improvement. This is especially useful for young females or those within their first five years of running.

  • EAT- Don’t use running as a weight loss tool. Consume the same amount of energy you use.

  • Aim for a toned body not a lower number on the weight scale.

  • Females can be very competitive. Don’t underestimate a female on a mission.

  • Get your long runs in, as females have a greater proportion of type I (slow twitch) endurance muscle fibers and development of those fibers can increase your fitness.

  • Drop the fasting protocol, it can make you fatter by elevating your cortisol levels and promoting fat storage.

  • Plan your strength training challenges during the first two weeks of your cycle (cycle starts the first day of bleeding) when your hormones levels are lower. You can get more bang for your buck when performing strengthening exercises during this time of your cycle.

  • Strength train your glutes and core for better stability and balance. (core = everything but your limbs) Think about the exact muscle you are using while you are performing the strengthening exercise.

  • Stress Fractures can be linked to low calorie intake and indicate an imbalance in the hormone levels.

  • During the PMS part of the cycle it can be harder to perform high intensities and recover from hard workouts. Plan accordingly.

  • Menopause age and beyond training should include high-intensity power training, helping to prevent muscle loss and weakness.

  • Muscle loss is more of a concern than muscle bulk. Use high weights with low numbers of repetitions after knowledgable instructions on correct movements.

  • See Sims’s book for how to use protein intake to get more out of your training.

  • 30 minute rule: Eat 25-30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of finishing your run for increased muscle adaptation and repair.

  • Reduce GI stress by avoiding maltodextrin and fructose during exercise. Drop the coffee habit before exercise.

  • Be serious about your cooling strategies while training and racing, since you start sweating later and less than men.

  • Prepare to hydrate more when flying during the latter part of your cycle.

  • Cool-downs are more important for women. Compression socks and arm sleeves can help to encourage blood flow and muscle repair.

  • Be relational. It will improve your training and racing. Make connections with your family and friends. Listen and share your thoughts with others.

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota

I recommend women and coaches of female athletes read Sims book, Roar, and expand their knowledge of the female body and mind. Another helpful article from the USA Track and Field coach’s newsletter details training with female hormone levels in mind.

If you are worried about race day remember:

The great news for females is that “You can stop worrying about having your period on race day. Everyone worries about having their period for a big event, but in reality, your hormones are favorable for performance once your period starts.” (Sims, p 19)


Embrace the greatness of a female body. Women are STRONG.

women runners woman running female runners running coach shelly Minnesota

This 30 day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Rise Again Weary One


Life is hard. Really hard.


Blind hits can throw you backwards, taking the wind out of your lungs. Another hit doubles you over. Not me, you cry. Not now.


Confusion makes it worse.

No quick answer. No reassurance of a quick rebound.

Pain. Holding pain.

These trials come in every part of life. Even if you made all the right choices, took the road less traveled, went up the treacherous hill, sure that your hard work would pay off. Never choosing the easy road.

Yet. This happened. Pain happened.

Cliches swirl about as if they will soften the blow. But they do nothing but point out how cruel life can be.

Pain has to be endured. Escaping it only puts it off, returning with vengeance later on.

runners injury running coach shelly Minnesota

These stings. I have felt them over and over as life has happened. Similar to when you cut your finger and the stinging, burning sensation cries out for an end. But you can’t stop the pain. The burning of an injury, a loss, mean words, or an absence fills the body.

And so you try to understand the situation, cry over it, explain it away. Perhaps a friend’s words can soothe the discomfort. But to no avail.

For you must endure, accept, and wait.

Yes wait. Wait for the pain to wean. Wait for the situation to change. Wait for good again.

Over and over throughout life we are subjected to these times of hardship. You simply can’t live life without them happening. However, each time I learn a bit more patience. Because waiting for healing is all you really can do. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes understanding, sometimes it takes a resolution. But none of those will happen as fast as you want. The cut has to have time to heal.

So if this is one of those times when you are an injured athlete, grieving lover, or hurt soul, WAIT. For this too will pass. This is not the end of the road. You will rise again.


Rise again all those who are weary.

Matthew eleven twenty-eight

Runner's Amazon Book List



Booklover Runner



My Amazon Book List— Those that I have highlighted, referenced, and devoured!

Ok, check it out. See which ones you want as Christmas presents, to find at your library, or to add to your audiobook collection.

My favorite categories of items are BOOKS, BAGS, and BASKETS. Oddly, they all start with the letter B, but they are my candy. I know what I love about books: well written, only as long as they need to be, insightful, and eye appealing.


So I searched though my bookshelves, Audible app, amazon ordered list and picked out my recommendations. These are the books that have survived the test of time or are new favorites.

Podcast interviews, the library bookshelf, and favorite authors are the many ways that a title will first get my attention. Often I request books from my library regional system and preview it to find if it is worth the time and money investment to purchase.

If it passes the test, I choose if audio or print format will be the best way to consume its contents.

Some printed books I highlight like crazy as a form of interactive learning.

Others are more for reference material. A conversation with a friend can cause me to research a deeper reason for my answer or intuition.

The audiobooks are often helpful for busy driving days and to share with my family through the audible app.


You may note that my list does not contain just running books. We are whole people with diversity within our bodies and minds. The interplay of different parts shapes us in unique ways. Growing ourselves as a whole being and not just in one facet will generate good health.


A good book will take you away and return you changed.

Confidence to Taper


Have you ever tried to gain extra credit the two weeks before a race, hoping that one, two, or even three more workouts will give you that hopeful PR?


The difficult workouts had been completed. Long long runs, fast super short sprints, tempos that dragged on and breathless intervals in amongst miles and miles of easy rhythmic running consumed my training season. With my training bank full of deposits I was ready to cash in. The chasm in front of me required belief in myself and that I had done enough training. I had to have confidence to taper before the race.

Confidence is so much harder to gain then discipline or determination. It is not something that you can just decide to do differently or more often. It is a journey you have to walk through. It takes time. Often requiring another trustworthy person to say, “You have done enough. You are good enough. You have worth as you are now.”


I truly can’t think of a time I personally gained confidence without someone speaking into my situation and declaring me worthy of my aspirations.

I certainly know when I am not confident. I weave side to side within my plans. My mood goes up and down depending on my workout results. I search for any clue as to whether my aspirations are crazy or realistic. Please let me have peace, I beg.

Hopefully, the moment comes when one word or phrase is spoken by another and I hear the resounding echo of belief. I pause, recite it, flip it over and under, testing it’s purity. Then it rests on my heart and I am at peace. At peace with myself. At peace with my past work. At peace with my ambitions.


This confidence has to be within me before I can cross that chasm. As the training season comes to within a few weeks of race day, there starts a phase of fine tuning before toeing the start line. It is formally labeled as a taper. Your weekly miles and workout durations reduce, your intensity holds steady as your body makes the final repairs and storage of energy. If you don’t hold the confidence that you have done enough and don’t start your phase of rest and recovery, then you won’t be prepared on race day.

Confidence and successful tapers go hand in hand. If you are worried that you are not good enough or have not done enough, you will search for extra credit opportunities, short cuts, or just fall into the negative realm.

I know this all seems like luck, that is to gain confidence. But it really isn’t luck at all.

First you do have to complete an appropriate training schedule or admit that you didn’t and adjust your goals.

Within your training season you need to develop friendships and mentoring relationships, and take the time to invest in those relationships.

Finally as the time comes for you to taper, begin a dose of open conversations about where you are at with your training and how you will prepare for the race. Talk with your mentors or coach. Discuss what you have done in your training, how your body is feeling, and an estimated race pace.


And now for a story on my last taper ending in an October 10-mile race.

Early September I raced a 10K that felt just awful. I even gave into the pain for half a mile and backed way off the pace I had been struggling at but still could running at. The fact I gave up within the last mile shook me and I strongly questioned how my mental strength had disappeared.

I responded by asking women I admired where I went wrong and why I couldn’t continue to push myself at my breaking point within a race. I listened to their stories and soaked in their advice.

Beth, an incredible triathlete and runner, was frank with me and said, “You have done enough training.”

I paused in relief. I had measured up to the reasonable expectation she had marked. Her words settled in my heart and I gained the confidence to let my body rest and recover and prepare for the 10-mile race.

Over the next three weeks my body felt more light and quick. Gone where the runs with heavy legs. After each run I was more refreshed than tired. The thought of running the race at a given pace became more believable.

And so I bet you are curious how the race went. My body and mind responded well to each mile and hill. I finished the last mile with a strong push crushing my expected finish time.

Now it was not a PR, that was not what I was gunning for, I just wanted to feel like a competitor again. And competitors need confidence.


Confidence is found in the journey.





My way weaves and sways and dips when my confidence is low.


In two days I will toe the line at a race that I attempted one year ago. This race could easily turn into a yearly test of my fitness: weaknesses and strengths. So I am weary of the test and its results. 

Am I slipping backward? Is my age finally catching up with me? Did I not work hard enough, loving comfort?  Was all the work this year worth it?  The thoughts get tangled in my mind along with the emotions and fears.  Am I in denial? Or will I have a breakthrough?

This is test anxiety as a 39-year-old.


My son searched for the last location to place his Rummikub tile in order to win the game.  He thought it was hopeless.  On the precipice of him giving up, I blurted out, "You can win."  His dark horizon flashed with light. There was hope and he searched with confidence. He was going to search until he found the combination needed to take the win.  Nothing had changed at that moment but my declaration of possibility. He went from no confidence in winning to full confidence in winning.  I gave the vote of confidence because I saw the path to victory. 

What can confidence do in a person's life?

It can open up doors.

It can give renewed strength.

It can make the journey less painful.


As I ran with a training partner and friend last Thursday, I shared my need for confidence. I need someone, whom I believe, to say, "You can win." I need someone in my life that when I don't see any hope, they can declare an open path to victory.

Hangover Half with Anne.jpg

I am thankful for the role I play in my husband's, children's, friends', and athletes' lives where I can instill confidence. Now it is my turn to hear those around me who are declaring my open path to victory. 


Putting aside fear I embrace this opportunity to run without restraint and instead with hope and confidence. 


If you are looking for more confidence in your running, considering working with me as your coach.